The 2006 Thailand coup d'état took place on Tuesday 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'état against the elected government of caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra therefore Thailand Politic was changed but all Thai people safe in that circumstance. However Thai citizen should learn in the problem because using the power in wrong way, use a gap that can break the law to corrupt easy so the political of Thailand should be developed especially Thai politician and Thai citizen.
The past time Thailand have The Siamese coup d'état on June 24, 1932 marked the bloodless transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy in Thailand. King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) stayed on the throne, but abdicated three years later. The people behind the coup called themselves Khana Ratsadon (meant the People's Party). In this situation show about Thai people wanted to superintend by themselves under the law that we call constitution moreover there is a Member of Parliament, or MP, is a representative elected by the voters to a parliament. However some problem could happen because some party came in to corrupt by used some gap of the law. Coup against the caretaker Thaksin government to investigate losses to the state during the Thaksin administration. Some of their members were well known anti-Thaksin figures and their impartiality was quite reasonably questioned. However, the AEC had no authority to determine guilt, but merely to investigate. Thai Law evidence had to be forwarded to the appropriate authorities and courts.
Recently, the Constitutional Court ruled the Committee was lawful organization after lawyers argued its coup-origins made it an illegitimate body. This was always going to be a long shot: Thai law proceeds on the premise, and has done nearly 60 years, that coups are legal once the resulting government has, de facto, established its right to rule. This then enshrines all coup decrees as legal. Of course, the new constitution also verifies that “fact”-hence the layered, complex mess that is Thai law. Lt is worth noting that the cases that are now before the courts, including the Rachadapisek land purchase) are merely the tip of the iceberg. Below, for the purposes of information, I summarize the cases that the AEC have determined should be pursued. Only a few are now in process. The ASC claims that the 21cases it examined involve a loss to state revenue of 1.8 saen laan baht the information comes from Vote magazine, July 2008 issue.
That is reason why the Military of Thailand must against the government at that time. After that Thailand has election and now in administrant of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, just 7 months for his caretaker, there many Thai people have struck the government by PAD (People's Alliance for Democracy) they allege Samak Sundaravej is a nominee of Thaksin Shinawatra which he keep doing something for help Thaksin Shinawatra. Anyway Thai political should be resolved or changed something for remove the corruption out from it. Probably many Thai citizen have thought about political is not their business but we could not escape if have some problem such as financial and economics. Sometime we are bored about it because nothing better and have redone many times (about election). So we should know in political base, advantage and disadvantage of political for protect a bad person who want to corrupt or break the law of election. Maybe it is the primary way to help and protect a problem another we could design what it the right way should be. Anyway the people must know about everything in the law, it should help and develop our country. Changing is has to transform to a better thing same as a past sine 1932, we wanted to changed our country to be a civilization country same as Europe or America but that countries had a changing also include their people, they have entitlement because they understand and know about the law so education is a good way to protect in many problems.
Finally, learning in history of the problem of corruption and it is not only business of politicians but it is of all Thai people. Thai political should be heal by Thai people who can watch or be a guard to Thailand.